Global Awareness
By Dr. Karine Schomer, President, CMCT
his book, The Work of Nations, former U.S. Secretary of Labor
Robert Reich succinctly captured the import of globalization: "We
are living through a transformation that will rearrange the politics
and economies of the coming century. There will be no national products
or technologies, no national corporations, no national industries. There
will no longer be national economies."
IT sector is clearly at the forefront of this trend in its product development
and business strategies, and its polyglot, moveable workforce is exuberantly
makes possible a global perspective that can draw on the best technological
ideas, business approaches and organizational practices available anywhere.
But are high-technology product and service companies reaping the full
benefit of this enviable position? Is the potential for creative synergy
from the international diversity of backgrounds and perspectives being
fully tapped? Is a global mindset being sufficiently cultivated at all
levels so that the entire workforce is aligned behind the global business
vision and strategy?
the ground, there is strong evidence to the contrary. While the faces
come from everywhere, and the economic impact is global, outlooks and
attitudes are often surprisingly parochial. Instead of "thinking
globally and acting locally," what is more common is "thinking
locally and acting globally."
consulting for high-technology companies, I have been frequently surprised
by low levels of international awareness among employees, poor communication
of global vision from the top, and the presence of cultural stereotypes
and cultural sub-group segregation. This is a cause of concern, as the
realization of a global strategy cannot fully succeed if mindsets are
not global.
are some practices which successful companies have used to increase
their employees' global awareness and commitment to a global vision:
- Communicate
information and news about the company's international operations.
- Encourage
international travel, attendance at international conferences and
taking courses on international topics.
- Host
speakers (internal or external) on global topics.
- Organize "passport day" presentations about specific countries represented
in the company.
- Acknowledge
and celebrate international and ethnic holidays.
- Create
an electronic bulletin board for sharing information and questions
about international matters.
- Invest
time in cross-cultural learning and team-building experiences.
- Identify
the global thinkers in the company and create a team to promote the
global awareness agenda.
strategies will help you achieve competitive advantage through developing
a workforce that is not just diverse, but cosmopolitan in outlook and
knowledgeable about the global dimensions of the industry and the world
regions in which the company operates.
© 2000 Karine Schomer. All Rights Reserved. Originally published in Siliconindia,
March 2000.
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