Organization Cultures
By Dr. Karine Schomer, President, CMCT
common for high technology companies today to pride themselves on their
multiculturalism on the basis of numbers and headcounts.
the mere presence of a workforce from many national, ethnic and corporate
backgrounds doesn't in and of itself mean that a business organization
is genuinely multicultural. If the diversity of backgrounds doesn't
have a transformative effect on organizational assumptions, values and
behaviors, it remains at best a neutral statistic, at worst an obstacle
to the organization's cohesiveness.
company may have diversity without inclusiveness. The official value
stated in organizational documents may be "diversity is our strength" but when you decode the corporate culture by looking at power relations,
policies, practices, processes and daily interactions, practice may
be found quite divergent from theory.
all differing viewpoints and approaches to solving problems encouraged
- or just the narrow band that fits with the prevailing culture of the
leadership or dominant social group? Are the differing strengths of
diverse management styles acknowledged and emulated - or is there a
single standard? Are different employee support needs, expectations,
work patterns and communication styles accommodated - or is there a
one-size-fits-all approach to managing and developing people?
the symbols, narratives and rituals of the company speak to everyone
- or do they re-enforce in-group identities at the expense of others?
Do recruitment, screening, evaluation, career-tracking and promotion
processes genuinely seek to develop diversity at all levels - or are
there blinders that perpetuate stereotypical roles for different groups
of people? Does the company promote after-hours social interactions
and professional networking across cultural, occupational and other
sub-groups - or does multiculturalism exist only in the immediate job
and project context?
globalization of the high-technology industry and the tight labor market
have brought together technical and business talent from around the
world. The full creative possibilities of this situation can only be
captured if inclusiveness is deliberately practiced in all aspects of
corporate life.
cost of anything less is an organization in which many people are not
operating at their full potential, corporate cohesion is only at a surface
level, and a narrow band of approaches and perspectives is used to address
problems and respond to opportunities.
- To foster
a more inclusive corporate culture, company leaders can do the following:
- Assess
the inclusiveness of the current culture and define the gaps.
- Create
a top-to-bottom awareness of and motivation for proactive multiculturalism.
- Celebrate
both the company's diversity and its unifying corporate direction.
- Align
managerial and human resource practices with the multicultural ideal.
- Establish
zero tolerance for all forms of prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination.
- Personally
model and consistently reward inclusive behaviors and actions.
© 2000 Karine Schomer. All Rights Reserved. Originally published in Siliconindia,
June 2000.
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