
Basics of Management
A well-rounded 12-week training program to help managers increase their personal leadership and management effectiveness. Our flagship program. Includes exercising authority, establishing accountability, motivation, planning, organizing, setting and tracking goals, delegation, decision-making, problem-solving, leading teams, and developing employees. Recommended both for new supervisors and as a refresher for more experienced managers. Involves a weekly interactive seminar (1½ - 2 hours), personal goal setting, assessments, and individualized coaching. Offered in-house for groups of up to 12 managers.
Workplace Communication and Human Relations
Overview and practice of skills to enhance communication and interpersonal relations in the workplace. Importance of attitude as the source of behavior. Understanding differences in personality and communication styles. Main elements of the communication process, and how to enhance your skill in all of them. Practicing the art of effective listening and feedback. Dealing with fear and self-consciousness. Developing assertiveness and the ability to deal with aggressive behavior on the part of others. Addressing problems, not personalities. Benefits of focusing on relationship-building and open communication. How to practice effective communication and human relations in specific workplace situations.
The Art and Science of Delegation
How to increase your personal productivity as a manager and make effective use of your people resources through effective delegating of tasks, projects and overall responsibility. Overcoming attitudinal and structural barriers to delegation. Identifying what needs to be delegated and to whom. Developing delegation plans, communicating the delegation and providing necessary training, tracking results and providing feedback. Use of delegation as a means of developing and empowering your employees.
Developing High-Performance Teams
How to improve the effectiveness of your organization's work teams by applying the proven teamwork approaches, methods and techniques that create high performance. Importance of teams to business success, characteristics of high-performance teams, dynamics of teamwork, conditions for effective teamwork, overcoming obstacles to team success, stages of team development, providing effective team leadership, establishing team norms and expectations, enhancing problem solving and decision making, creating ownership and accountability, establishing rewards for team performance.
Managing and Resolving Workplace Conflict
Strategies, skills and techniques for managing and resolving conflict in work teams and organizations. High cost of workplace conflict, understanding the dynamics of conflict. Types, causes and symptoms of conflict. Productive and non-productive approaches to conflict. Taking leadership responsibility for preventing and addressing conflict. Conflict resolution techniques and skills. Strategic management of conflict through creating a mediating culture.
Results-Oriented Performance Evaluation
How to use the tool of performance evaluation to get the performance results you need. Purposes of performance evaluation. How to promote employee involvement and participation. Setting meaningful goals. Documenting performance and providing feedback. Writing an evaluation, applying ratings. How to conduct a constructive evaluation meeting. Using employee goal-setting and performance evaluation as a tool for continuous improvement.
Basics of Project Management
A practical introduction to the basic principles and tools of project management. Role of the project manager and nature of the project life cycle. Setting reasonable project plans and measurable objectives. Defining specifications, schedule and budget. Leading and motivating a project team. Planning, implementing, and bringing a project to conclusion. Tracking, progress reviews and evaluation of results. Use of project management tools and techniques. Alignment of project activities with ongoing organizational goals and activities.
How to Conduct Effective Meetings
Basic principles, techniques and tools for making meetings effective and productive. Goals, agendas, physical arrangements, meeting roles, ground rules, decision processes, action minutes, closure, follow up. How to achieve results and avoid common meeting pitfalls.
Effective Time Management
Principles and techniques for managing your time and that of the people you supervise. Establishing priorities and work-life balance, taking charge and being proactive, the importance or working from goals and plans. Understanding the cumulative payoff of even small improvements in time management. Typical habits and excuses that create the "not enough time" mentality. Strategies for maximizing time use. Use of time management tools. Focus on helping participants establishing realistic goals and disciplines that will create changes in their time management behaviors.
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For more information or to book a program,
contact CMCT, write to info@cmct.net, or call 510-525-9222.