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The CMCT India Practice

Our oral communication improvement programs include individual coaching, group workshops, and phone/email consultations, customized to the needs of professionals from the Indian subcontinent wanting to enhance their communication impact for success in the U.S. business and work environment.

Individual coaching focuses on helping individuals enhance the quality of their voice, reduce foreign accents that may be difficult for Americans to understand, develop personal impact, polish presentations or interviews, and improve social conversation and networking skills.

Coaching engagements include assessment, identification of improvement goals, focused learning, a practice regimen, and ongoing feedback.

Group workshops are for groups of varying size, depending on the topics. The workshops are customized out of a menu of about 30 instructional modules.

Topics range from using your voice effectively, accent improvement and making the right non-verbal impression to overcoming communication barriers, developing a strong presence, making small talk with strangers, delivering presentations with impact, and increasing your expressive confidence. There are both public workshops and workshops done in-house for clients.


For more information or to schedule a consultation,
contact CMCT, write to info@cmct.net, or call 510-525-9222



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