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Leadership & Management Development

Communicating Across Cultures
Understanding how cultures communicate differently and how to enhance work and business effectiveness by developing competence at cross-cultural communication. Major differences in communication style, techniques, and cultural comfort zones around flow, pace and intensity. Informal conversation, small talk, non-verbal communication and, slang and humor across cultures. Differences in formal presentations, telephone manner and written communication styles. Strategies and techniques for communicating successfully across cultures.

Working with Americans: Mindset, Behavior and Communication Skills
An interactive cross-cultural training seminar for managers and employees from other cultures working for U.S. companies, or involved with Americans as part of virtual teams and in the offshore outsourcing environment. General background on American culture in comparative perspective, and understanding how cultural differences affect mindset, behaviors and communication. American core values, business culture, workplace interactions, communication styles, etiquette and protocol. Learning and practicing the workplace behaviors generally expected by Americans, and effective U.S.-style workplace communication. Development of strategies and action plans for adapting behavior and communication styles in order to work more effectively with Americans.
Available both as face-to-face training and in interactive live webcast format.

Cultural Awareness India Online
A one-hour online program in two 30-minute modules. Module 1: background information on the historical, economic, political and cultural context of Indian business today. Module 2: overview of differences between Indian and American communication patterns and strategies to bridge these differences. Can be used as a stand-alone, self-paced learning tool or as “book ends” for blended training in conjunction with CMCT's instructor-led “Working with India” or “Cultural Awareness: India” programs.

Working with India: Cross-Cultural Foundations and Business Skills
The flagship program of the CMCT India Practice. An in-depth seminar for managers and professionals working with offshore teams and business counterparts in India. Background knowledge about India and the Indian people as a foundation for building sound working relationships. Understanding similarities in core values, work-related behaviors and communication styles. Cross-cultural awareness training combined with hands-on problem-solving, skills development and action planning to enhance work-related interactions with Indian employees, team members, business colleagues, vendors, and offshore partners.

ABC's of Business Across Cultures
Understanding the do's and don'ts of conducting business in different cultural contexts. Topics include business practices, establishing credibility, approaches to business relations, punctuality and appointments, selling, persuading, negotiation, agreements, protocol and business entertaining. How to adapt one's own style to be more effective in particular cultures.

Leading and Managing Across Cultures
How to be an effective leader and manager of the new multicultural and international workforce, including self-awareness and intercultural awareness. Learn how culture functions, types of social and organizational cultures, how cultural values function, the central elements of business culture, key cross-cultural skills, and effective cross-cultural strategies.

Valuing Diversity in the Workplace
A four-module series of trainings designed to increase the diversity awareness and skills of employees and managers working in multicultural and global cross-cultural workplace environments. Understanding one's own cultural values and assumptions, the nature and impact of prejudice and stereotypes, acceptable and unacceptable workplace behaviors, and the benefits that come from embracing diversity. Skills for communicating with, working with and providing service to people of different cultural backgrounds. Modules (Working Together, Serving Our Customers, Bridging Cultures, Managing Diversity) can be "mixed and matched" for the client's convenience.

Working Successfully in Global Multicultural Teams
Intercultural awareness and teamwork training workshop for professionals working together in teams in multicultural global organizations. Awareness of cultural differences and their impacts on work-related norms and behaviors, examination of differences in values, assumptions and expectations. Skills and best practices for interacting and communicating in a global multicultural context. Workshop may be combined with customized teambuilding activities.

Building Effective Global Multicultural Teams
Advanced skills for leaders of global multicultural teams. How to use the increasing diversity of the workplace as a source of strength and build an inclusive team culture. How to tap into differences in backgrounds and perspectives to bring about increased creativity, motivation and productivity. Skills for leading and managing in a global multicultural context, understanding and overcoming differences in values and work styles, developing shared commitments, learning to use the full range of resources available in global multicultural teams, and working towards the ideal of cultural synergy.

Offshore Virtual Team Management
A workshop for managers and project leaders responsible for day-to-day management of offshore virtual teams. Understanding the logistical project management and process issues of virtual teams as well as the people skills required for successful leadership, management and supervision across cultures. Key virtual project management skills, general and culture-specific people and communication skills for project managers, leading and motivating a virtual team, process implications of an offshore or offshore outsourcing relationship, understanding your offshore team and/or vendor's organizational culture, addressing cross-cultural management issues. Best practices and strategies for integrating your offshore-onsite people and processes.

Living and Working in the United States: Post-Arrival Orientation and Cross-Cultural Training for Managers and Professionals from Other Countries
Post-arrival training program for business professionals (and their families) coming to the United States on short-term or long-term work assignments. Practical logistics and social dimensions of living in the U.S. Settling in, practical tips for health, safety, recreation, and becoming involved with the local community. Understanding the cross-cultural experience of coming to the U.S. and how to cope with culture shock. Central cultural values and their implications, business customs and protocol. Expected workplace interactions and behaviors, preferred communication styles, understanding the legal and HR environment, how to manage effectively in the U.S. environment, how to handle meetings and negotiations, networking, career development. Major professional and social do's and don'ts for successful integration into U.S. social and professional life.

See also our region-specific cross-cultural training programs focused on India.

Click here to return to the Training Programs main page.


For more information or to book a program,
contact CMCT, write to info@cmct.net, or call 510-525-9222.



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