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CMCT Articles

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How Culture Affects Motivation
Employees from different countries respond differently to workplace incentives. Learning to understand these differences is a wise managerial strategy. This article discusses India-U.S. differences in five key areas: management style, job security and compensation, career development, performance evaluation, and motivational strategies.

Business Cultures and Etiquettes
Misunderstanding of the differences in business cultures and etiquettes around the world can derail business and professional goals. Being culturally savvy is an increasingly important global management skill. Here are some of the key elements of business culture and etiquette to which it pays to be attentive.

Inclusive Organizational Cultures
The workforce of most high-tech companies is diverse. But is it truly multicultural? It's possible for a company to have diversity, but without inclusiveness. Here is a checklist of suggestions for what company leaders can do to foster a more inclusive corporate culture and derive benefit from the diversity of its employees.

Cultivating Global Awareness
Globalization is today's buzzword, but the level of international awareness is surprisingly low among most managers and employees. There is poor communication of global vision from the top, cultural stereotyping, and cultural segregation among employees. Here's what can be done to increase awareness and commitment to a global vision.

Building Multicultural Teams
In high-tech companies, multicultural diversity is the norm rather than the exception. By design or by necessity, high-tech workplaces are increasingly "looking like the world." This diversity can be a problem or an opportunity. This article offers basic principles for avoiding common dysfunctions and successfully building multicultural teams.

Ten Key Cross-Cultural Management Skills
Intercultural awareness and skill are not something you can achieve just by reading a "how-to" manual or learning a simple formula. To become a successful manager in the global IT workplace, you need to develop cultural awareness and the soft skills needed for managing in a culturally diverse environment. Here is a checklist of these key skills.

Cultural Orientation of Technical Personnel
Even for the best prepared of software engineers coming to work in the U.S., there are issues of cultural adjustment, workplace integration and long-term career success. The business value of paying proper attention to cultural orientation is considerable. Here are some of the main issues and various approaches to addressing them.

Acquiring the Culture Edge
In the global IT world, companies that ignore cultural issues are missing an important element of competitive advantage. Here are some basic strategies for increasing business, organizational and workforce effectiveness through the application of cultural awareness and expertise.



For more information, contact CMCT, write to info@cmct.net, or call 510-525-9222.

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